Project One

Activity One

Theory One: Meaning-Centered Theory

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This theory involves interpersonal communication between two parties and their perceptions overlapping (refer to diagram above). To me the most important attribute of this theory, is the shared meaning in which both participants of the communication have. If this area of shared meaning is not achieved, then communication between both parties is unsuccessful.

Both participants may have different values, speak another language or be unable to express emotions as well as the other, creating barriers between their perceptions. Shared meaning can only occur when their perceptions overlap and they both reach an understanding. However shared meaning could differ depending on each individual, someone could completely understand and decode the message successfully while the other may only briefly understand.


Alice and I leave an economics class at Otago Polytechnic. We both understand different aspects and have different perceptions of a theory discussed during class. Alice and I both discuss how we perceived this theory until we both understand the theory as a whole and reach a shared meaning.

Theory Two: Simple process theory

  • Sender chooses a channel of communication
  • Sender encodes the message
  • Sender transmits message
  • Receiver receives message
  • Receiver decodes message

This theory can be both intra and interpersonal communication. It solely relies on the message being interpreted correctly, If the message is only transmitted to one other receiver, there is less likely to be any misunderstanding when they decode the message. It is important that the sender chooses the most suitable channel for their message, and they consider the amount of people who will be receiving and decoding their message, to ensure that there are no miscommunications.


I decide to text ben and ask him if he is available for coffee.

Hey Ben

Are you free to catch up for coffee this week? Would love to try the new Vogel Street Kitchen near the exchange. I have the week off, when will suit you?


Ben and I discuss when he’s free and arrange to catch up the following day.

In this conversation the channel is text message. I am the sender and Ben is the receiver who then decodes the above message.

Activity Two

We were asked to read the following case study and answer the table accordingly.

Fiona is working on a project with her group that is nearing an important deadline. Fiona needs information from her group member Pete. Fiona knows Pete also works for his family business as well as his full-time study. This means he isn’t always on campus during the day. Fiona decides to send Pete an email.

Hi Pete, Can I get some information from you? Are you at the Polytechnic at the moment? Fiona

A short while later an email arrives from Peter:

No. P

Fiona is surprised. She does not understand why Pete wouldn’t give her the information she needs. Now she is really worried.

Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 2.34.56 PM There were a few significant barriers that led to unsuccessful communication. The most significant to me was the choice of channel in which Fiona chose to communicate,  which was via email. She decodes Pete’s feedback and is surprised he will not give her any information, however what she hasn’t considered, is the tone in which Pete has responded. Hey may be too busy to respond or not available on campus at the time he receives the email. While his feedback is unhelpful to Fiona

Fiona could have avoided this barrier by choosing to communicate with Pete more specifically, especially because his response came across rude and unhelpful.  She might choose to ask him when he is available on campus, rather than assuming that he is able to meet with her there and then. And once he provides feedback, ask again if he is able to bring the information she requires. Or Fiona could choose a channel such as a phone call, which allows her to directly converse with Pete, rather than expecting him to check his emails and reply promptly.

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